Monday, October 15, 2007

Happy Monday...

Today Jayden was awake earlier than usual.She woke up at 7am.Usually she is quite the sleepy head.Jayden never wants to get up before 10am.I think we were all late this morning,and made alot of noise getting ready.Sometimes I don't know how we keep it all together.Paul works 12 hour shifts,five days a week.Tyler & Adam are in Jr.High and High School.Tyler works at Mcdonalds.Which is why Tyler and I overslept this morning.He worked till midnight,and I had to go pick him up.Jayden has had alot of appointments back to back lately.She attends Lisa's Playhouse three days a week.Mon,Wed,Fri,till dinner.She goes to physio,speech,occupational therepy every two weeks.She has two places in St.John to go for her eyes.St.Joeseph's,and Dr.Goodfellows.Then there are the fun visits to the family doctor,or the emergency rooms almost every two to three weeks for illnesses.They are usually in the middle of the night without any warning!She goes to see Dr.Meek in St.John for her seizers,and Dr.Alexander is the Pediatrition.Around all of this we still fit in spending time together,seeing our loved ones,and trying to get things done.This is Jaydens World....I thank God everyday for all his strength to get up in the mornings.His guidance and wisdom to do my best in all this adversity.For his love.For giving me this wonderful family to share the good and the bad with.For Jayden bringing us closer,and making us complete....

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